New Year's Eve 2011 to Easter Sunday 2012...14 weeks to a transformed YOU!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
We ended with 16 linkies! THANKS, LADIES!
We only missed links by Bethany and Eaba. Bluezy came back for the last link. Thanks.
My buddy did great...Onederland is now her domain!
Let's continue to create healthful changes in our lives. I pray we all make goal weight in 2012 or 2013 (for the larger ladies)...and live better lives for it.
God bless...and take care...and be well...
Friday, April 6, 2012
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Thank You! 17 Challenge Updates (One Missed Linky), so We've Still Only Lost 1 Person entering the Final Week! Bluezy, even in Idaho, come back for the finale!
Out of 18 initial challengers, we had one drop (medical, other issues). That's pretty astounding for a 14 week run. I think you've all seen challenges where even half or more of the challengers just fade away.... or where the challenge itself just sort of dribbles away.
I'm very thankful you all took it seriously and STUCK IT OUT. I'm hoping you will be happy with your final result--what you learned from your books, what you learned about your bodies and minds and spirits, how your outfits fit, how you exercised.
Less than a week to the end. YOU WILL NEED TO POST PICS of your outfit if you can try it on (even if it doesn't fit properly). Give as helpful a recap as you can for YOURSELF (your own journaling resource) and for OTHERS, who need help on their journey. What worked best. What didn't work. What you plan to keep doing. Your epiphanies, if any.
Now, remember to do your midweek update by end of Thursday. Keep in touch with your buddies.
And please, let's see 18 links in the finale. Everyone back in for the last bow in this leg of the journey. Ya hear me, BLUEZY!!!!
I plan to put up the linky earlier than usual, so that those folks traveling for Easter or busy for Passover or any other reason can do their final link-up before the weekend. DO NOT MISS THIS FINAL LINKY!
Friday, March 30, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
MidWeek Update Reminder: And We Should Have 17 Still In The Game (only 1 drop, yay!)
Please do your midweek update before end of Thursday.
Remember the lv2 doesn't have a buddy and is struggling, and do go support her. She has the darn captcha, but work though it. PLEASE VISIT our buddyless challenger.
As to the last weekly update, we had 16, and Julie had advised us she'd miss the linky, so 17 in all out of 18 are still hanging in there. Bluezy, if you want to be back in for the last 1 1/2, come back, do the updates starting today or tomorrow, and get on board. Let's finish strong.
For those of you also in the Ready for Summer, I'll see you there in those updates. I'm burned out of hosting challenges, and just wanna be a participant for the next one. :D I like accountability, though, so this is a good thing for me.
Happy midweek!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Linky for the 12th Update due by end of Sunday, March 25, Eastern Time: DO NOT MISS THE DEADLINE!...and a suggestion for lv2 & Jillian...
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Mid-Week Update Reminder and Inventory of Who Is Still In...
Not in the challenge: Bluezy and Megan seem to be out of it for personal reasons. :(
Was late, but left a comment: Bethany
Didn't check in: Eaba, Jillian.
Jillian is on vacation, and that may be the issue there. Eaba, check in, please.
Buddies, what is up here?
I need to know clearly if you're still in or not. Thanks.
Okay, on we go. Mid-week update #12 is due by end of Thursday.
Be well and fight the fat!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Update Linky #11 : Due by end of Sunday, Eastern Time. THREE WEEKS TO GO!
I hope we get all the linkies (17 challengers) in this week. Come on, don't miss the deadline!!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Midweek Update Reminder. :D And who else missed linky?
I know Angela left a comment re missing linky, Jillian was traveling, and Bluezy is out of the challenge, so there's still one person who didn't update, right? Can that person, or the person's buddy, let us know what's up? THANKS. I haven't had time to check on the blogs. Leave a comment here to inform, thanks.
Be well...
Friday, March 9, 2012
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Mid-Week Update Reminder
Remember to visit lv2, as she's buddyless at the moment. If you think you can take on an extra buddy, go volunteer to be hers.
I announced the ebook winner on my blog --um, Betty, it's you. :D
Happy midweek. On we go...
Monday, March 5, 2012
Thanks for linking, and we're down 1 Challenger, so visit lv2 and support, K?
Since lv2 is buddyless, please make an effort to drop by her blog and give her support. She's having some family medical stuff going on and prayers are surely appreciated. She still has the captcha, but work through it. I know, I know. They're annoying. But try.
It's Bethany's birthday today. Wish her a happy one. She reported a great loss.
Karen: Have problems going to your update. Tried 4 times and it won't load for me. :( I suspect it's the music playlist. If you don't see comments from me, that's why.
Have a good week, everyone.
Be well...
Friday, March 2, 2012
Linky for Update #9 due by end of Sunday, March 4th.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
MidWeek Update Reminder and Link To EBook Leap Day Giveway to Help in Your TRANSFORMATION!
And head to my blog to enter to win an ebook. I list several books that might help in this tough weight loss/fitness journey. The winner may choose one, whichever will help the most.
Okay, off we go...
Monday, February 27, 2012
Focusing on Exercise goals...even when it hurts...
This week, it's my reinvigorate myself and get over this ugly time-time. :D I keep the faith. NO QUITTING!
I made this video for THIS blog, for my challenge buds, but I posted it to my regular blog, too.
Happy new week.
Note: Only Bluezy did not link up. BLUEZY, CHECK IN PLEASE!!! And Bluezy's buddy, try to get in touch and get Bluezy back into things. If we can help, let us know, guys!
Friday, February 24, 2012
LINKY IS UP for update due by Sunday, February 26, midnight, Eastern Time
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
LINKY FOR 2/19/12 Update: this is the halfway point and it's time to try on the outfit. READ THIS CAREFULLY.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
PSA - Chocolate Heart Love

Friday, February 10, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Midweek Update Reminder!
And thanks to everyone for adding a linky. FIVE weeks in and everyone is still hanging in, whether breezing or struggling, you did not give up...yet. SO DO NOT GIVE UP, K?
If you put placemarker posts, please add the info. Do not forget!
On we go...
Friday, February 3, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012
PSA - STOP Procrastinating!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
MIDWEEK UPDATE...don't forget to do your post before end of Thursday!
Make sure to add your guiding quotes and add anything pertinent, good or bad, about your goals, book, outfit, etc. If you haven't taken progress pics, it's been a month already since we began, so maybe take some.
All the challengers checked in. Meg was late, and she's having some stressful life issues. Please add her to your prayer list if you pray, your positive thoughts/vibes list if you flow that way. Meg, please try to do updates on Friday or Saturday, since life is being hard, don't think SUNDAY, think Friday. As long as you have weight, waist, and some comments on how you're doing, it shouldn't take long. Heck, as for prayer, if that's what it comes down to. But please schedule updates sooner, so you don't miss the deadlines, thanks.
I hope everyone is making progress in SOME area. If you are doing great in all of them: AMAZING. If you are struggling, keep at it. Bad times come and go. Good times come and go. Life is an ups and downs thing. But we can't quit. Persistence and diligence--that's the only way to make our goal...eventually. :)
Be well, update, keep up with your buddy, and on we go....
Friday, January 27, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
PSA - Body Fat and BMI

- Below 18.5 = Underweight
- 18.5 - 24.9 = Normal
- 25 - 29.9 = Overweight
- 30 & above = Obese
Body Fat Percentage Formula for Women
- F1, etc = Factor 1, etc
- TBW = Total Body Weight
- LBM = Lean Body Mass
- BFW = Body Fat Weight
The Formula:
- F1: (TBW x 0.732) + 8.987
- F2: Wrist measurement (at fullest point) / 3.140
- F3: Waist measurement (at naval) x 0.157
- F4: Hip measurement (at fullest point) x 0.249
- F5: Forearm measurement (at fullest point) x 0.434
- LBM = F1 + F2 –F3 – F4 + F5
- Body Fat Percentage = (BFW x100) divided by TBW
- F1: (159 x 0.732) + 8.987 = 125.36
- F2: 6.00 / 3.140 = 1.91
- F3: 30 x 0.157 = 4.71
- F4: 39 x 0.249 = 9.71
- F5: 10.0 x 0.434 = 4.34
- LBM = 125.36 + 1.91 – 4.71 – 9.71 + 4.34 = 117.19
- BFW = 159 – 117.19 = 41.81
- Body Fat Percentage = (41.81 x 100) /159 = 26.29%
- 10-12% = Essential fat necessary to stay alive
- 14-20% = Professional and Amateur Athletes
- 21-24% = Fitness Buffs
- 25-31% = Acceptable
- 32-41% = Overweight
- 42% or Higher = Obese
BMI VS Body Fat Percentage
I continue to work on my overall health, with plenty of exercise and responsible food consumption. And no cookies. My ulitmate goal will put me in the normal BMI range and in the fitness buff body fat range. For now, though, I'm happier considering the Body Fat Percentage over the BMI: it's a more realistic snapshot of how I really look and feel.
Note: Both the BMI and the Body Fat Percentage are just a couple of quasi-accurate measurements to give you an idea of your overall heath and a starting point for your health goals. If you fall into the obese categories, it would be wise to consult your Doctor for some very specific guidelines for nutrition, exercise and possibly medications.
Midweek Update Reminder
If you haven't started reading your book or discussing it on your blog, GET CRACKING!
Include your guiding quotes. Tell us what's up.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Remember the Mid-Week Update! Git 'r done!
Just get the update done. Right?
And don't be like me, who forgot to add the quotes! Sigh.
Later, and be well...
Friday, January 13, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
PSA - Indispensable Tools for Exercise

Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Reminder to do you Mid-Week Update in the Next Couple Days and to Pray for One of Our Challengers...
I'd like to ask for prayer/positive vibes/support for Meg of REINVENTING MEGAN. I can't say why, but life is throwing her some jagged rocks right shield her up with good thoughts, petitions to the higher power, etc. Meg, I pray a blessing for strength, grace, courage, and wisdom over you. May a smooth road be ahead for you in good time.
Okay, it's Tuesday and mid-week updates should start coming in soon...
I'm having a semi-rough time, energy-wise, physically. My temperatures have been horrid (97.0 this AM, previouslly 97.3), so that pretty much tells me it's the thyroid wonkiness. That would also explain, maybe, this whole plateauing thing (other than the fluid fluctuations).
If you are struggling a bit, too, just remember: we will get through it and great weeks/energy will return. Believe it! <--channeling Naruto.
Okay, on we go...
Friday, January 6, 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
PSA - Fueling Your Bod for Exercise

Keep the Faith.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
A Reminder to post a mid-week update....and pray for Bluezy
By now, you should have gotten in touch with your buddy in some form. Right?
Now, get ready to post a mid-week update. It's your update to fill us in on whatever you want having to do with your journey. If you finally got your book, what are your thoughts on what you've read so far? If you've begun a new exercise program, what's it like? If you're breezing through your eating, give us tips. If you're struggling, ask for tips! If you want to do two-weigh ins a week, fine, do it. I'm sure we'd love to see pics of your meals, exercise gear, walking path, whatever...include us in the journey. Be accountable, if it's tough out of the starting gate. Just post.
Remember to post your guiding quote(s) in each challenge update--official and midweek.
That's just to help with keeping the focus.
ETA: Please pray for Bluezy and her family, those of you who are prayer folks. They are having a crisis (which I am not a liberty to speak of), and it's serious and stressful. Please remember them in the coming days and ask God to open doors for them to solve the crisis. Thanks. To Bluezy's buddy--if this becomes a challenge dropout situation, I'll sign on as your buddy until such time as someone else can take Bluezy's place.
And on we go....
Sunday, January 1, 2012
IT HAS BEGUN! Here are the Buddy Pairings...let's make the first months of 2012 a shining beginning to a great year of health!
*Casey and Julie(Jo has not linked up as of midnight, so I entered her url/name/email. You can do this for your buddy, too, no differently than you update your own info. See? :D I think Jo was used to the CDCC Sunday deadline and got confused. From now on, it will be a Sunday Midnight, Eastern time, deadline. So, you have a bit more leeway.)
*Bluezy and lv2
*Eaba and Nanette
*Debby and UpInTheCosmos
*Jenny and Betty
*Jordan and Mir
*Karen and Bethany
*Megan and Jillian
*Angela and Jo
Please contact each other via your blogs, pass along emails, exchange phone numbers or anything else. You must also figure out how to keep each other accountable, cover for each other on vacations to make sure linkies are up, etc. Be strong together.
There are all sorts of ways to make sure links are done and in. Create a duo blog and make each other administrators...and you can make and post links for each other. Prepost EARLY a placeholder post with the challenge update title, then your partner can just copy the url and add the link for you, and you can go back and add the info on your return. Figure it out, people!
If you ever have a significant, unsolvable impasse/problem/issue with your buddy, contact me. We'll figure that out together. But you're all great people. I know you'll be sources of support and camaraderie.
Okay, we've begun. I pray a blessing over each and every one of us. Good health, great joy, and better, leaner weights in 2012.
Be well...and...