Tuesday, April 10, 2012

We ended with 16 linkies! THANKS, LADIES!

After 14 weeks, we ended with 16 finale updates. 16 out of 18 after 4 months. Darn good, people!

We only missed links by Bethany and Eaba. Bluezy came back for the last link. Thanks.

My buddy did great...Onederland is now her domain!

Let's continue to create healthful changes in our lives. I pray we all make goal weight in 2012 or 2013 (for the larger ladies)...and live better lives for it.

God bless...and take care...and be well...

Friday, April 6, 2012

FINAL LINKY IS UP! How did we do? :D

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Thank You! 17 Challenge Updates (One Missed Linky), so We've Still Only Lost 1 Person entering the Final Week! Bluezy, even in Idaho, come back for the finale!

One of the main rules I always make for the challenges I've led/co-led is NO QUITTING ALLOWED, no matter how hard you struggle.

Out of 18 initial challengers, we had one drop (medical, other issues). That's pretty astounding for a 14 week run. I think you've all seen challenges where even half or more of the challengers just fade away.... or where the challenge itself just sort of dribbles away.

I'm very thankful you all took it seriously and STUCK IT OUT. I'm hoping you will be happy with your final result--what you learned from your books, what you learned about your bodies and minds and spirits, how your outfits fit, how you exercised.

Less than a week to the end. YOU WILL NEED TO POST PICS of your outfit if you can try it on (even if it doesn't fit properly). Give as helpful a recap as you can for YOURSELF (your own journaling resource) and for OTHERS, who need help on their journey. What worked best. What didn't work. What you plan to keep doing. Your epiphanies, if any.

Now, remember to do your midweek update by end of Thursday. Keep in touch with your buddies.

And please, let's see 18 links in the finale. Everyone back in for the last bow in this leg of the journey. Ya hear me, BLUEZY!!!!

I plan to put up the linky earlier than usual, so that those folks traveling for Easter or busy for Passover or any other reason can do their final link-up before the weekend. DO NOT MISS THIS FINAL LINKY!