Friday, March 23, 2012

Linky for the 12th Update due by end of Sunday, March 25, Eastern Time: DO NOT MISS THE DEADLINE!...and a suggestion for lv2 & Jillian...

We should have 16 updates. Let's not miss the cut-off, please. And lv2 and Jillian, can you guys see if you wanna hook up as buddies for the remaining weeks? It might help to pair up. Consider it, k?


Please remember to add your weight, waist measure, guiding quote(s), and any updates on how you're doing on your goals. Check on your buddy and make sure they link up. If you've been late with links, update on not wait until Sunday and miss it again. K?


Happy new week to all! Be well!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


lv2 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angela Pea said...

Holy Cow! I made it, sliding in just under the deadline!